Monday, September 30, 2013

considerations on the additive ethereal emotions pertaining to the taking of japanese

I have chosen to take Japanese because I had a substantial amount of open credits that needed to be filled with interesting things. Having exhausted the various classes pertaining to my major, only Japanese remained as a viable option. Hence, without further consideration I immediately completed my SSOL application and consigned my corporal presence to appear every Monday through Thrusday at 1:10pm. Not weighing on my calculations were the number of stairs to be traversed, or the absurdly early hour required for attendance, for I knew that, despite being on the 5th floor and beginning at an hour long before I would naturally awaken, my constitution would allow me to bear whatever contrivance were required for my timely arrival. Additionally, at the time of non-contractual attendential agreence, I carried a certain belief in a secret elevating unit that would expedite the overall traversal process. However, within the time span of several planetary rotations I was quickly disabused of this notion, and resigned to merely walk the distance as a common plebeian, tiring and belaboring myself over the great many stairs.

update: It turns out there was an elevator, hidden away in a crevice under the eastern stair case. However, it appears to move too slowly for actual use.

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